Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 68... I think... let's go with Month 3

It's been a while since I've last posted. And a lot has happened since September. I had mentioned that I failed my first exam, and since then, I haven't been doing much besides studying and resting.

On the academic side of my life, I got a tutor and am working with disability services to help me figure out how to retrain my brain into learning the material. It's been the most challenging thing so far... my brain fog. It's hard to describe, and it is very emotional, so I'm not going to talk about that today....

I wanted to make a note that my second Western Blot and Elisa came back POSITIVE for Lyme disease. Of course we already knew that, but to have a confirmed diagnosis is bittersweet. 

I'm still doing my antibiotic treatment, and I'm not sure if its helping. My symptoms lately have been primarily: gastrointestinal (but honestly not as bad as in the beginning!!), sharp pains randomly all over my body, aches and pains like I'm an old lady, really bad upper back pain the past week or so, arthritis/joint pain, stiffness, ear pain, and I'm sure more, but I can't think of everything... Yesterday my anxiety reappeared which is horrible in itself. Oh and of course fatigue/exhaustion. This has definitely gotten better than in the beginning, though. I was sleeping so much the first few weeks of treatment. I at least get out of bed everyday and get at least one thing done. :) Some days I get quite a bit done, and I'm proud of myself.

I had another sunburn experience. I spent too much time in the sun, and FRIED my face. My nose was bubbly and blistered. It hurt so badly!! But it was totally my fault-- I should have brought an umbrella like an old grandma :P

I applied for disability and social security, although I'm told that the process is lengthy and I am likely to be denied the first time or two. I'm hoping I don't have to get a lawyer!

I've been pretty emotional lately-- I'm stressed out. I don't handle things like this very well. All I want to do is have the energy to go for a bike ride or something. I'm getting fatter and fatter. It sucks. But I've been watching some videos on youtube, and I'm WAY better off than some people with Lyme. Some people are wheel chair bound. I just hope that this treatment works! I don't want to be like that. And I hope that I get my fully functioning brain back, because I'm determined to finish my degree right now, and this failing nonsense is hurting my ego :P