Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update...--->Month 7

So I wanted to keep this record so that I can look back and remember, in case this goes away quickly and I don't remember that I did in fact have symptoms. :)

My last post, I was doing really well with the Lyme symptoms, basically none. I had the yeast infection type symptoms, and have since had a biopsy which came back negative for Lichen Slerosis, Cancer, and yeast.... So my doc thinks it's just a lyme symptom. Nothing really that I can do about it except soothing creams and ointments, etc. 

A couple of weeks ago (Feb 27), I started subbing nearly full-time, at which time I forgot a few of my dosages. On the 7th of March, I started getting back pain again at night (after a long day). I took that as I was tired and needed to rest, so I did. But the next week, it got worse, and this past weekend (the 17th-18th) it kept me on the couch during part of the day. Last night I started having zingy pains again, and today I have ear pain in my right ear, exhaustion, back pain (from the time I woke up), and neck pain. I have gone back to making sure I'm taking all of my antibiotics. I'm desperate not to get back into where I was a few months ago. That was miserable. I have finally felt like I have my life back, and now I have these debilitating symptoms again.